Meet the new revised Dead Language RENATUS glitch video titler and effects processor. I’ve made a number of adjustments to the previous incarnation including consolidating text effects, revising components and adding a brand new analog glitch effects section (bottom row). Oh and did I mention CV galore?!? The unit was overdue for an update as I wanted to get more out of these machines, increase longevity and increase stability. The unit powers on into effects processor mode allowing you to utilize thirteen awesome glitch effects sans titling functionalities. Activating titling allows you to blend corrupted text with the global glitch effects. The revised Dead Language can operate sans glitch as well.
Modifications include:
13 color processing & analog glitch effects
A Magnetic patchbay and attenuation knob for corrupting text with 6 variations.
CV control over 5 parameters including additional vactrol circuitry.
The internal battery is replaced with a fresh one.
Higher quality knobs and potentiometers than previous versions.
Brand new power supplies are utilized.
Crash free operation when utilizing the text corruption effects.
User Manual: Dead Language (Last updated 12/6/2023)
User Manual: Titlemaker 2000
User Manual: Dead Language (Legacy Unit)